● Online Meetings
● July 3rd 2025
« In 2015, we decided that online events had their rightful place in the world of professional meetings. »
France Innovation by ASRC gathers together more than 740 members (start-ups; (start-ups; SMEs, ETIs and large groups in all scientific fields and in all industrial sectors which may be R&D providers, suppliers of innovative solutions, industrial subcontractors, etc.). Our mission? To highlight the private sector's R&D and innovation offering, facilitate contacts between buyers and suppliers, and provide information on the latest developments in the field of innovation. What could be a more effective way of achieving this synergy? It was only natural that the France Innovation Meetings should see the light of day at the end of 2019, gathering together more than 2,000 companies in all fields linked to innovation and enabling more than 6,000 connections to be made.
Jérôme BILLÉ, Délégué général • France Innovation
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Healthtech & Cosmetics
When health and cosmetics come together to form a single event: France Innovation Santé Cosmétique Meetings!
Defense, Security & Aero
Join defence, security, and aerospace professionals to build business relationships and discover all the innovations in the sector.